updated from this

this is hard.

launchers, mods, info and more.


I use 2 launchers atm: Legacy launcher and Prism launcher.

This is imo a bit inconvenient and id suggest any new player (who just bought Minecraft) just to use one and one only
even then it still gets complicated. further details below.

Legacy Launcher (TL legacy)

the original TLauncher before tlauncher got stolen and became a virus

a Cracked launcher, which means Minecraft free!!1!11!1! but mod management is Very bare bones and very confusing to beginners.

why? let me explain.

many modern Launchers have advanced features like Mod management and Modpack installers. what they do is update and delete Mods, configs, Resourcepacks, and Worlds for you. So instead of you opening 12301293612837612453 folders and 436789124367867810423 tabs on Google chrome, which hogs your computer btw, they do it for you for cheap.

now with legacy launcher, like the official Minecraft launcher, you have to do it yourself. and its Not Bad! it just takes time, and in that time you can learn where they hide Server resource packs, where all the Configs are at, how to bundle Mods in an instance of minecraft, etc. which helps with getting good.

also its cracked with elyby support (find me here and my skins here)

Prism Launcher


very good with mod management and all, no elyby 🙁

now with auto download dependencies: a bit of reading and my modpack wont crash again

i use this to try new modpacks too and holy moly

and i have to setup again everytime (idk how port configs)

very cool: legacy launcher has some jvm tags while idk if this also has them

Pojav Launcher

Very, Very cool launcher that uses witchcraft to run Minecraft on iOS, iPadOS, and Android. so minecraft java mobile.

is no where near optimized + not an easy install + limited mod compat + device specific + os version specific (im on 17.0.2 why didnt i update sooner and get 17.0 and still get to game)

launcher has been better over the years. supports some mod loaders like fabric and forge and such, just like legacy launcher

also this does not support cracked because [REDACTED]

for anyone whod like to try my Control maps, ⇩


i use Fabric mods. llauncher and prism supports it so no worries

before i list the mods i have lets say that

  1. the mods i use are all vanilla mods, which means they do not add non-vanilla content or destruct vanilla behavior.
    • some mods that adds content can be disabled
  2. There are many crucial mods that support other mods: lib mods. apis. install all that (they dont add any content for users anyway)
  3. some mods are Minecraft version dependent, some are Modloader dependent, some work regardless, most are dependent on both factors.
  4. If you do not know how to install these mods, check out How to install mods.
  5. Some of these mods updates slowly. Please respect the modders for their efforts, the only time you dont is if you’re the modder or if you have the ability
  6. the list is non exhaustive. also mods might get outdated. very outdated in fact

Fabulously Optimized is a Very good vanilla modpack, is built to replace the worsening Optifine and it probably will solve all your problems. and it runs smoothly. check wiki.download.fo for details.

i recommend you download this pack, and I in fact use a lot of mods from this pack. a lot of mods below has updated alternatives, from this pack. i remove mods from this list as this pack does.

Suggested mod configs from FO (here), i however take the files from github
YOSBR is used in the modpack to provide the config files as a default, a fallback. i dont need it tho i do things by myself

Performance mods

These perf mods are highly suggested.

your first mods:

more mods:

Beneficial mods


Mod Menu: required for many mods config. now notices people to UPDATE

Very beneficial:

  • MoreChatHistory: from measly 100 lines to more than you need
  • Sodium Extra: many more features, like disabling individual particles/animations
  • Reese’s Sodium Options: vertical (default sodium settings screen feels weird)
  • Better Mount HUD: bring back hunger bar
  • No Chat Reports: from 1.19.1 mojang implemented chat reports. this mod prevents you from being reported.
  • XXL Packets: packet fixer but it works (down below!)
  • Language Reload: multi language minecraft? but it breaks so fast
  • Nvidium: mod that depends on sodium and boosts fps in pcs with nvidia gpus
    CAUTION THE BOOSTS ARE CRAZY this mod is just too good, also mod might fuck things up
  • Cubes Without Borders: updated Borderless Mining for windowed fullscreen, for multi monitor setups (so it doesnt span all screens i think) and screen recording with obs ig
  • Fadeless and Remove Reloading Screen: to disable the 12986312635128736512 seconds of f3 t spamming
  • and f3 s spamming with Shader Reload. which reloads the resource pack shader independent of the texturepack itself
    idk why i need it glsl is crazy and not for me… yet

masa mods in its own league:

  • Tweakeroo: many tweaks and additions. you cant count how many. replaces shulker preview and map preview mods. autotool, autoclicker. freelook, freecam. the real all in one mod.
    and some of them i cant live without, for example no double w to sprint and no sudden sprint cutoff when i hit walls. fov change brings headache and is nauseous

btw this is 100% not how normal people use tweakeroo (i have an explaining video

also my Pojavlauncher control layout folder here: (i dont know which is which anymore)

  • MiniHUD: EVEN more tweaks. Way more tweaks. mini HUD. on screen f3. tooltips. info. shit in game: bounding boxes of structures, despawn spheres, spawn chunks, circles in minecraft.
  • Litematica: this one i dont use bc its too complicated. it puts holograms of shits to reduce the effort of rebuilding farms or builds preplanned in creative in survival

you have to understand each and every one of masa mods single handedly replaces a huge and long list of diverse type of mods. (unless you want it Complicated)

better looks with these mods:

  • More Culling: chinese wizard/modder. that dude discovered shadow item which is fucking crazy
    the mod deals with culling. what is culling? its the fact that minecraft doesnt render faces that cant be normally seen.
  • AppleSkin: you need this mod. Visualize saturation, a normally hidden property of food. also gives info on foods
  • Adaptive Tooltips: dude a real modder of mods
    the mod does stuff to tooltips. Provides scrolling, a thing you need but vanilla dont have
    turn on top pad (or something that pads the top) so it doesnt look weird
  • BetterF3: way easier to read. colorful, modular, and cool as helllll
  • BoatHud: boat dashboatd (ps i swear that was a mistype im -_- its approaching Daytime)
  • Detail Armor Bar: armor bar reflects texture of armor and elytra.
  • Blur: set blur to 0 so your pause menu dont bad + your gpu dont scream. for 1.20.5 onwards this mod is redundant.

Optional mods

here lists the mods that i feel people wouldnt use, mods that i do use but rarely, mods that often conflicts with other mods, or some useful mods that i cant or dont use (pulling this straight from my brain so gotta add more!!!)

  • Fabrishot: am using. for 4k++ ss
  • Packet Fixer: you need this thing to prevent player chunkbans (at least thats what i think)
    this mod stops me from joining multiplayer. i hope its fixed soon. check if it works for you and if it doesnt use xxl packets.
  • Carpet: from a mojang developer. i use this mod serverside. VERY cool and Very Recommended with /log and many other tools
  • Exordium: cap ui fps. is a good mod but it caps screens that shouldnt be capped so removed
  • EntityCulling: i am currently using this. the anti-eray mod (i actually dont even know i think vanilla DO draw mobs WAY far away behind walls thats why f3a spam works)
  • CustomSkinLoader: search for better skin loader mods in modrinth. really.
  • Do a Barrel Roll: SUPER DUPER FUN FPV elytra mod. should install.
  • Axiom: crazy building mod. transforms your game into blender.
  • inventory Hud+: i did use this mod. cool mod. simple mod. superseded by other mods
  • Xaero’s Better PVP. hmm idk i would use the minimap maybe maybe not
  • essential: social mod used by youtubers. goofy for the outrageous price of cosmetics. i want free cosmetics, custom player model, custom pets free mod where

pulling the config folder for these:

  • Baritone: a module in many hacked clients. Pathfinder bot.
  • ItemSwapper: cool mod. basically an alternative to inventory. check out his other mods too (do that for good mods cuz good modders)
    check and apply resource pack. if this mod uses mouse cursor ill 100% use it
  • labymod bros crazy
  • Farsight: Far Sight. Bobby and hold that chunk are good alts. nvidium also do the job. below mod also do the job.
  • Distant Horizons: holy moly (coolest mod)

more mods that i found later (edits to this post, yes)

  • WorldEditCUI: visualize worldedit commands (i never use them)
    people say world edit is slow tho idk
  • Resourcify: no more downloading packs just choose them over the internet (pls how about vanillatweaks packs
  • 3D Skin Layers: i should have this
  • Better Statistics Screen: this mod has no (absolutely 0) reason to look this good
  • geyserMC: for bedrock and java crossplay. Floodgate can be installed if u want
  • PlasmoVoice is the mod i use so people can talk. it is Not Simple voice chat it is not simple
  • i do use some kind of viaversion it has a whole suite so here is the Author page for you. This suite of mods allows you to join with any (supported) version (a lot)
    • i just found this crackhead of a mod what the fuck: viafabricplus this mod expands the alot by a lot (and i mean a lot)

this is just scratching the surface of the many good mods out there. Again, use FO. its the best modpack for u.


These mods are required for many mods. I dont know which is used by which so pls just install all


i learn many mc mechanics on youtube. and mc info on the new Minecraft Wiki

i also use popular command generators, for sake of simplicity. be advised, you still need to understand the commands.

r/MinecraftCommands has good resources but top search has some too if you can bear the ads

datapack is harder. it does consist of series of commands (in functions) but it also has more things and is much more complicated

You can view nbt data and datapacks with different VSCode addons. Datapack essentials has everything you need. it seems like datapack helper plus is updating

i also (attempted to) make resource packs, using many different internet tools and some goofy buggy applications. Recommend paint.net and gimp (gimp is advanced tho). i dont do art tho. so i rip the art from vanillatweaks.net

modelling is hard. blockbench helps for sure but you need a tutorial. learn Blender first. Modelling mobs might require a mod or two.


did you read

i understand. links are scattered throughout the post. mods are sorted Very randomly. some things are Very not in their place.

gems hidden in the meh and you have to figure them out yourself

last modified:


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